To be eligible to participate in Commencement in May, students must have declared their degree and major prior to the start of the spring semester immediately preceding Commencement. Thus, for Commencement on May 17, 2025, a student must have declared their degree and major prior to January 13, 2025.
Participation In Commencement
Academic Policies
- Confidentiality Of Student Records
- Academic Classification Of Students
- Registration And Changes In Registration
- Course Load
- Acadeum Consortium
- Transfer Credit
- Course Placement
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Auditing
- Class Size
- Class Attendance
- Early Warning Of Academic Difficulties
- Withdrawal From College
- Late Withdrawals
- Leave Of Absence
- Transcripts
- Grade Reports
- Gradepoint Average (GPA)
- Incomplete
- Repeating And Backtracking
- Participation In Commencement
- Posthumous Degree
- Late Graduation
- Academic Aspects Of The Honor Code
- Disciplinary Action for Honor Code Violations Including Academic Dishonesty
- Appealing Academic Dishonesty Disciplinary Action
- Academic Appeals Board
- Appeal Procedure
- Appeals For Course Grade Re-Evaluation
- Satisfactory Progress And Good Standing
- Probation
- Dismissal
- Reinstatement
- Student Complaints
- General Policy On Exceptions And Waivers
- Student Right To Know