Appeal Procedure

Students who wish to appeal a disciplinary action related to academic dishonesty must submit a written appeal in the form of a letter (electronic or hard copy), any other documents or evidence to support their case, and the names of any supporting witnesses to the chair of the Academic Appeals Board within three business days of the sanctions being imposed.

The chair of the Academic Appeals Board will contact the faculty member(s)/VPAA and request relevant documents, evidence, and names of witnesses. Requested materials should be given to the chair within two business days of the request. If the student does not provide a written appeal, any other documents or evidence, and names of witnesses within three business days of sanctions being imposed, there will not be a hearing. If the faculty member(s)/VPAA do not provide relevant documents, evidence, and names of witnesses within two business days of the request from the chair, the hearing will go forward without these items.

The chair will convene the Academic Appeals Board and set a hearing date within three business days of receiving the written appeal and accompanying documents from the student. Invitations to the hearing will be sent, in writing (electronic or hard copy), to the student, faculty member(s)/VPAA, and any witnesses identified. The student is encouraged to attend the hearing, and may be accompanied by an advocate. The advocate will sit with the student, but may not comment on the proceedings. The faculty member(s)/VPAA who imposed the sanctions is also encouraged to attend the hearing. 

The proceedings will be recorded. All aspects of this process are to be kept confidential. 

The decision of the Academic Appeals Board is final.

Academic appeals hearing procedures are available on