When a financial, medical, or other emergency circumstance makes it impossible or unwise to continue at Cottey, a student may apply for a leave of absence. A leave of absence permits the student to return to Cottey without reapplying for admission, to register as a continuing student, to be guaranteed campus housing, and to complete degree requirements under the College Catalog in effect when the student matriculated. Leaves may be approved for a period of up to 180 days. Upon returning, the student must resume studies in the same courses. For example, if the student went on a leave of absence after attending classes Tuesday of week 4, the student needs to return on Wednesday of week 4 of a subsequent term, in the same courses. A student may return to classes early (i.e., the beginning of the term) for a consistent academic experience, but won’t officially become active until the actual leave of absence return date. A leave of absence must be approved by the vice president for academic affairs, in consultation with the registrar and the student’s instructors. The vice president for academic affairs will not approve such petitions unless the student has a cumulative grade point average which would allow returning in good standing.
A student must request a leave of absence in writing to the vice president for academic affairs through the Academic Records office. In the case of a leave of absence for medical reasons, the student must provide written documentation from a medical health professional recommending the leave of absence.
The beginning date of the leave of absence is the date the Academic Records office was first informed of the request or the requested beginning date, whichever is later. Any department or agency of Cottey College that becomes aware of a leave of absence request from a student must inform the Academic Records office within 24 hours. Upon receiving the leave of absence request, the Academic Records office will process the request and forward it to the vice president of academic affairs for approval. The Academic Records office will also inform the Financial Aid, Business, and Student Life offices.