Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary studies draw upon and combine coursework from multiple academic disciplines to provide both broad perspective  and in-depth focus on an area of study. Through interdisciplinary courses, students can gain greater insight and understanding of  cultures and perspectives different from their own. 


IDS 101: Step Into Cottey

Credits 2
This course provides an introduction to Cottey’s student learning outcomes and an opportunity for you to transition to college-level learning and expectations. Designed to promote your self-awareness and personal success in college and in life after college, this course will equip you with flexible skills and strategies that are applicable across subjects and across time.

IDS 111: Be A Changemaker/Beyond the Common Reader

Credits 2
Inspired by A Mind Spread Out on the Ground by Alicia Elliott, this eight-week excursion course will explore the intersectional effects of colonialism, sexism, racism, and poverty. Following travel, each student will develop and facilitate an action project related to the themes of the excursion.

IDS 130: Introduction to African Studies

Credits 3
Survey of the historical developments of Africa’s past over the last 500 years. Course introduces students to contemporary socio-cultural varieties of African societies while addressing historical issues that have affected the continent. Materials are designed to give special emphasis to African initiatives and perspectives in shaping their own history. Fulfills writing-intensive requirements.

IDS 190: Opportunities in Undergraduate Research

Credits 1
In collaboration with a faculty member, a student may receive academic credit for participation in an undergraduate research project in the faculty member's field of interest. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits.

IDS 192: Learning Through Service

Credits 1

Experiential learning designed to develop or increase understanding between students and the communities to which they provide service. Service may take a variety of forms, including, but not limited to, community service, non-profit or volunteer work, cultural exchange, and project support or management.

IDS 201: Step Into the World

Credits 1 2
Students will become knowledgeable about specific aspects of the place(s) they visit, as well as the process of international travel. The former may include history, politics, economy, and geography. Students may also assess similarities and differences in the beliefs, behaviors, and customs of the places(s) they visit empowering them to be a more globally aware and socially responsible community members. Final project, e.g., article, video, journal, multi-media presentation required. Paa/Fail

IDS 312: Qualitative Research Methods

Credits 4
This course will introduce the students to qualitative research methods. This course is divided into three parts: first, the students will examine what qualitative research method is and how it is different from positivist research traditions. Next, they will examine different qualitative data collection methods including interviews, fieldnotes, observation, and focused group. Finally, the course will explore different techniques in data analysis including constant comparative analysis, narrative analysis, and ethnography. Lab exercises will include the practical xfdimension of this course. Fulfills writing-intensive requirement.

NC 001: Strategies for Academic Success

Credits 0

Focuses on student and learning skills needed for success in college. Includes preferred learning styles, time management, stress management, note-taking skills, methods for test preparation and test taking, textbook reading methods, memory techniques, and effective listening skills. Meets one hour per week.